Texzilla - Texture browser / organizer Version 2.3

Texture, Sculpture and/or Photo Organizer / browse HUD.
With this HUD you can categorize your textures, sculptures (or photo's) in 18 different 'containers' and easily show them on screen or apply directly on the included SmartPrims. Saving lots of time searching in your inventory. If you filled the Texzilla with the textures, you can delete them from your inventory to save up space.
- 18 Containers / Categories
- Browse 20 Textures or Photo's with filename captions simultaneously per page
- Fast browsing, optimized scripting to instantly view textures
- Included SmartPrims to apply sculptures and see how they look
- Apply textures directly on the SmartPrims
- Search function throughout all containers
- Filter function within a container
- Delete duplicate textures
- Show/Hide function for HUD, Auto positioning
- Container can be easily renamed without editing
- Retrieve a whole container with textures or photo's as a folder.
- Clear function to delete everything in a container.
- Move or Copy a whole container to another one
- List all uuids in a container
- Secure transfer between Texzilla's
- Send a whole container with textures to a friend who owns a texzilla too, with one press of a button.
- Auto update
- Optionized one-click feature lets you:
+ View Texture or Photo full screen
+ View Textures tiled (to check seamless textures)
+ Retrieve the Texture or Photo.
+ Show the UUID
+ Delete the texture from the container
+ Copy the texture to another container
+ Move the texture to another container
+ Send the clicked texture to another Texzilla owned by someone else
+ Apply a sculpture texture on a SmartPrim
+ Apply a texture on a smartprim, either all or selected face
Current version: 2.3 - Mono update
See item in Second LifeWhat can I say but WOW, WOW and WOW...!
The ease of copy and move, the button response time, READABLE TEX NAMES(!!!) and 5x4 clear, fullscreen oveview and understandable help makes it an outstanding usefull compensation for LL's poor invent. management... Grrrrr...
However it's the BEST organizer (... and YES(!), I HAVE didged ALL the others!) I ever bought... To further improve relyability, a constant monitoring of total amount of text.'s in ALL folders (correctly updated after each operation, ofcouse!) would prevent us from loosing content while we still got the originals... In addition to this, displaying in local chat to what folders content have been moved to or deleted from, makes the output usefull as operation overview log. Also a 'display all 20 sculpties in HUD'-mode without creating a SmartPrim first would be highly appreciated for future updates...
Still... The FIRST organiser I found worth to write a review on, rating it a 5+, WELL DONE!!!