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The Dead Forest

The Dead Forest

.:[ The Dead Forest ]:.

The Dead Forest is a set of mesh trees and plants that you can use to decorate your sim or RP area. It has a variety of textures depending on the mood you want to set.

Happy decorating!

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.: [ CONTENTS ]:.

4 Dead Trees
1 Odd Mushroom
1 Peculiar Flowers
1 Spiky Plant
1 INFO Card
1 LM to Main Store

.: [ FUNCTIONS ]:.

All the plants have texture changes:


- Barren
- Dead
- Mossy
- Burnt
- Bloody
- Spotted
- Moldy

Spiky Plant:

- Venemous
- Bitter
- Swampy
- Dessicated
- Rusty
- Spotted
- Mutated
- Burnt

The mushrooms and flowers also will rotate through a series of textures which display the rainbow spectrum of colors.

See item in Second Life
  • 4 Mesh Tree Shapes
  • 3 Mesh Plants
  • 7 Texture Changes for Each
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Very spooky!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 02, 2021 by WereBeast Alpha

Bloodlines amazes me with this dead forest type tree even though its high on prim it works for the outside of my horror asylum better than other trees. one thing is I wish all the trees with one touch would change texture instead of one at a time other than that I would love more spooky stuff from Bloodlines!

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