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The Harvester Farm Wagon Boxed バージョン 1

The Harvester Farm Wagon Boxed

It's time for to harvest those pumpkins and what have you, and this little wagon can be your very best friend as it helps you carry your produce and what not to wherever it is you're headed this fall.

Included are two versions of the wagon, Empty & Loaded/Full. LI 13 - 18 (much higher if linked to a TeeglePet)

It's Compatible wiith TeeglePet and most Horse Avatars, Teegle and Waterhorse, they may work with RH and TWI avatars as well. There is also a Driveable version for you human avatars to use while wearing your prim wearable horses, and the Display version which is static but lower LI for you to set out as decoration.

Driveable version - On the right side of the wagon seat is a small raised lump, "sit" on this lump to "drive" the wagon There is a seat for a passenger on the seat (click the mud guard and choose sit) and also a seat in the back on the Straw bale, or on the wagon bed floor for the empty wagon. The wagon has the option to be set to Owner, or Public so your friends can drive it as well with their own wearable horses.
FT- Has a flat base invisible prim that works well on LInden roads and flat terrain.
RT- Has a rounded base invisible prim that is great for Mesh roads or uneven terrain.

The Horse Avatar version - Horse avatar will sit on the ball at the front of the wagon. Driver can click the seat and choose sit. Passenger can click the mud guard and choose sit, third passenger can either sit on the straw bale, or the bed floor of the empty wagon.
FT- Has a flat base invisible prim that works well on LInden roads and flat terrain.
RT- Has a rounded base invisible prim that is great for Mesh roads or uneven terrain.

Teeglepets! You can link them to this wagon if you want to have passengers, or simply attach your Teeglepet while seated on the wagon (you can not carry passengers this way)
Instructions are included on how to use the wagon with your Teeglepet.
Animations and Base Equine:Cart notecard with seat vectors already set are also included. The Hanoverian TeeglePet was used to make adjustments to the harness rails but everything is modifiable and it can work with other Teeglepets.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Driveable Vehicle
  • TeeglePet Compatible
  • Seats 3 Avatars
  • Display version included
  • Mesh Horse Avatar Compatible