.:[ Bloodlines: The Rage ]:.
Thanks for your interest in Bloodlines: The Rage!
This is a fully-featured Lycan system that provides a rich array of basic Lycan functions and integration with the Bloodlines web-based multiplayer game. This system includes claw effects, particle effects, an emote/howl, animations, and a scanner that will sense other avatars and tell you whether they are other Vampires, Lycans or potential victims.
For full details on this product go to:
For updates on this product as well as events and giveaways, check our Blog:
Ⓞ Blog: http://blog.slbloodlines.com
For stats, guides, and social networking:
Ⓞ Website: www.slbloodlines.com
Ⓞ Wiki: www.sl-bloodlines.wikia.com
Ⓞ Facebook: www.facebook.com/slbloodlines
.:[ 1: CONTENTS ]:.
1 Heads-Up Display (HUD)
1 Rage Nexus [Bloodlines] 2.3
1 Bloodlines Claw Female [L]
1 Bloodlines Claw Female [R]
1 Bloodlines Claw Male [L]
1 Bloodlines Claw Male [R]
1 Bloodlines Claws Only Female [L]
1 Bloodlines Claws Only Female [R]
1 Bloodlines Claws Only Male [L]
1 Bloodlines Claws Only Male [R]
1 Bloodlines Lycan Claw Blend Female
1 Bloodlines Lycan Claw Blend Female 1
1 Bloodlines Lycan Claw Blend Male
1 Bloodlines Lycan Claw Blend Male 1
1 Claw Wound
1 Hands Alpha
1 Bloodlines Rage 2.1 Trainer Board
1 Stat Viewer
Lycans !!
I love this RP , beats any other game on secondlife , changed my secondlife forever , playing as a lycan in bloodlines was the best choice i could make for my SL :)
Good werewolf RP system
Being a lycan isn't for everyone, but this system has a ton of features! Works great.
Bloodlines is great!
If you want to RP a lycan/werewolf in SL, this is the system to use.