The TEKSCHA - Texture Organizer (Organiser) & Viewer

The TEKSCHA is a vault for storing, accessing or selling your textures,
** Low Prim - uses just 5 prims altogether.
** Shows 16 Textures at a time on a 4 x 4 grid.
** CYCLE backwards and forwards through the textures, zoomed or unzoomed.
** TILE option, to see how a texture will look when repeated.
** Enter a SEARCH string to see textures with that string in their name.
- Do further Searches within those search results.
- Zoom, Unzoom and Cycle through search results
** Owner can
- Get texture Key (UUID)
- Copy a texture to his/her Inventory
- Copy & Delete a texture
- Delete a texture
** Can be used to SELL or give FREE textures.
** Can be worn as a HUD
** Can Delete Duplicate textures using Purge function - READ INSTRUCTIONS before trying this.
** Optional Floating text shows information about current view.
** Toggle Full Bright ON or OFF
** INFO button to give General User and Owner Hints on using the Tekscha.
Your Textures
Textures are loaded into the Tekscha by dragging them from your Inventory into the Contents of the Tekscha (i.e. in Edit Mode, or the Open option in the right-click pie options).
A texture without modify permissions can only be viewed from your Inventory - if you put it in the Tekscha, you will just see a plain grey texture.
A texture without copy permissions will be removed from your Inventory when you transfer it to the Tekscha. And it will make the whole Tekscha no-copy too.
HOW MANY WILL IT HOLD? ... in theory, several thousand, but for the sake of manageability you might want to limit it to several hundred instead. (See below on 'Search' and 'Purge Duplicates' considerations.)
NOTE: the more items you put in an object, the longer SL will take to update its Contents. So if it already contains a lot of items, or a lot of items are added or deleted at one time, it may take some time for the Tekscha to catch up.
Basic Viewing
ZOOM & TILE: click a texture to zoom it. While zoomed, you can click the 'TILE' button (bottom centre), to see how that texture will look when repeated. Click 'TILE' button again to go back to the zoomed view.
UNZOOM: click anywhere on the texture to unzoom.
CYCLE THROUGH TEXTURES: use the backwards and forwards arrows (bottom left and right). Cycling works on both single textures (zoomed) and sets of textures (unzoomed).
SEARCH: Click the 'Enter Search' button (bottom, left of centre), and you will be prompted in normal chat for the search string. Simply enter the string of characters you are looking for. The search is case-insensitive. The Tekscha will display the subset of textures whose names that contain that string.
REFINE SEARCH: To refine the search, click 'Enter Search' again, and enter another string. The Tekscha will search within the current subset, and display the new subset.
EXIT SEARCH: Click the Exit Search button (bottom, right of centre) to return to the full set. (Note: currently it is not possible to return to a previous subset, only to the full set.)
Note: The speed of the Search function depends on the number of matches it finds: for a Tekscha holding 1000 textures, it can vary from a few seconds to find 10 matches for a less common string, to around 25 seconds to find 750 matches for a very common string (e.g. 'e').
Search Function when in use, takes additional data space for its results and may run out of space if more than 1500 results are returned. In this case, the TEKSCHA will abandon that search, and suggest you try a more precise search string.
Owner texture functions: Get KEY & COPY/DELETE Textures
DOUBLE-CLICK a texture (zoomed or unzoomed) to access the Copy/Delete options.
'Give KEY' - will say the texture name and KEY (i.e. UUID) in the normal chat window, for copying and pasting into scripts for example.
'Copy' - copies the texture to your Inventory. (Note: if it is a no-copy texture, this will remove it from the Tekscha.)
'Copy/Delete' - will copy the texture to your Inventory, and delete it from the Tekscha.
'Delete' - will simply delete the texture from the Tekscha. If this is your only copy, you will lose it irrevocably, so be careful with this.
Of course, you can also manage the Contents directly yourself. The Tekscha will detect changes and update the view.
Selling and Giving Away Textures
quit working
I really loved this thing up til it quit working. I even refreshed the scripts and it was totally BROKEN. I ended up taking all my stuff out putting it into a folder and getting a new copy of it out and adding them back into the new copy. If it happens again, I am not going to be a happy reason that I know of that it should have done that. They were all pics I took so they had full perms!
This Texture orginiser is really amazing. It works fast. You can choose to rez it or wear it as a hud. I really love it. I now have several small organisers in stead of 1 heavy prim one. As a owner of thousands of textures i don't want something else.
Because of SL issues, i lost the Organizer the moment i rezzed it for the first time. I sent an IM and within a hour i got a new one. Much later that day she sent me an IM also to be sure i got it. What a service!
L$ 300
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed