G General

The Temple of Caffine mesh box

The Temple of Caffine mesh box

This fine temple was built to honor a friend of ours who runs a coffee shop called the Temple of Caffeine. I have his permission to call this decanter the same as his shop.

Touch anywhere on the temple to access it's menu of drinks. There are 9 menus to choose from. They are:
Herbal Teas
Spiked Teas
Spiked Coffees
Nutty Coffees
Chai Teas
Hot Chocolate
Dalgona Coffees.

Each of the menu will offer you the choice of 11 fine drinks for a total of 99 fine drinks.

This decanter is entirely mesh and has a land impact of 2 prims at the size delivered. It has a built in resize script, but be aware that changing the size of a mesh prim can change it's land impact.

As with all our work, we will be happy to customize it for you for an additional fee if you contact Kittycat in world.

By the way, custom means we do different textures on the decanter or barrel, and perhaps on the cups/mugs/horns/glass inside plus edit the chatter the cup does. We are more than happy, at no additional fee, to change out any drink in any of the decanters for any others. We have no way of knowing what you like to drink, and do not consider taking a barrel we have made up and shifting the drinks in it to something else as custom. That is just good customer service.

Kittycat Ninetails
JohnQ Ballyhoo

See item in Second Life
  • resizeable
  • menu driven