G Geral

"The Vampiress" Carmilla

"The Vampiress" Carmilla

Animated Character Carmilla
with Bento Hands

Another animated Animesh character to add to your collection

2 looping animesh animations

21 LI Reg
27 LI Animesh

Script - Full perm
Object and Animations - No Transfer

Use Animesh Wizard to bring her to life..

NOTE:Animates only with Animesh supported viewers

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Simply love her!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 28/03/2020 por Akasha Raviprakash

She looks great, and with Animesh Wizard she moves great! I have her dancing and giving out quests in my home sim, and she works great for that. I especially love that her hands and fingers work with the dance anims. Sexy - Cute - Awesome!

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