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The Zero Prim Rezzer © (DELUX) - ** BREAK THROUGH YOUR PRIM LIMITS! ** (900+ votes)

The Zero Prim Rezzer © (DELUX) - ** BREAK THROUGH YOUR PRIM LIMITS! ** (900+ votes)

VOTED BEST IN SL! A friend once said to me "Prims are the real commodity in SL", the more you want, the bigger the tier fee you pay, well not any more!



With the Zero Prim Rezzer (c) you can have that dream home, club or store and BREAK THROUGH THE PRIM LIMITS of your or rented land!. This device keeps objects alive in a 'temporary state', which means that although they behave just like any other object, they will NOT be included in the count-up of the prims on a land packet. So take that 63 prim kitchen or sports car and turn it into 1 prim!. Also excellent if you rent a small retail lot but want to place a large number of prims on it. So reclaim your prim space and dont be restricted by your land packets prim allocation.

To operate the Zero Prim Rezzer:- The system comes with a SETUPSCRIPT which you place inside your object. Then you place your object inside the rezzer itself and click on it to turn it on, thats all. Full step by step instruction guides and FAQ are included for people new to SL.

Once powered up, the rezzer will keep your object in world. You can reposition your item at any time and the Rezzer will record the change. Your objects prim value will not be counted by the land it is on, regardless of how many prims it contains. Just open the land properties and take a look!!!

You can keep an object stored in the Rezzer and only have it visible when you want it, by simply powering the Rezzer up or down. Your objects will need to be copy and modify allowed to use with the Rezzer.

Not just usefull around the home, but also doubles as a holo vendor style display stand.

Oh and that friend of mine, he's the arty type, just built a 53 prim moving band, wants to sell a few from a number of small rented lots, of cause, now they only take up one prim each, he can! (see picture).

Also shown in the pictures is a 200 prim stargate and ramp, rezzed as a single prim!

Thanks for your time, and hopefully your purchase.

Fred Levitt.


P.S. Need some home or business security?, take a look at my home and business protection system.

Objects in sl can have a setting called 'Temp-on-rez'. A temp-on-rez object is cleared away every 45 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the sim. Temp-on-rez objects do not take up any prim allocation! This devices keeps a copy, of an object of your choice, and replaces it in world whenever sl cleans the last one away. So effectively keeping your object permanently in world without taking any prim allocation.


CUSTOMER SERVICE, Established Feb 2006, I have several years experience in supporting and developing this product. There is no longer much I have not seen, so if you have any questions just IM me. It may take a day or two for me to reply if i'm not in your timezone, but i'm always here to help if i get an IM.

The Zero Prim Rezzer is a complete package, no need to buy one RezzBox for this and another RezzBox for that. ONLY ONE purchase necessary. This item has COPY permission.

To position your objects with this rezzer you really do just move them into place once, in the normal way, no need to move or rotate the rezzer, that would be just way too hard! OBJECTS CAN BE POSITIONED IN SECONDS, not hours.

This rezzer is designed to act instantly when the temp object dies, and does so without laggy scripts, so no lag and NO BIG GAPS BETWEEN REFRESHES.

In most sims your object will only refresh ONCE EVERY 2 MINS. In some sims it can be more, but never more than once every 45 seconds. So thats normally a single flicker every 2 mins.

This is ROBUST. You should see the things I've seen people try and do. This rezzer will even talk you through its setup if you get something wrong, but it really is just the steps stated above. NO NOTECARDS, NO CHAT COMMANDS, NO CONFIG

ZERO PRIM DRIFT. Your object will stay positioned solid where you put it and not drift further away with each rezz (until it disappears altogether!) as is the case with many copycat rezzers.

You do not need to hide the rezzer it TURNS INVISIBLE when powered up and visible when powered down.

WORKS ANYWHERE that scripts and building are allowed, rented land, group owned land etc. No need to deed to a group or landowner.

NEW: ANTI-LAG/PRIVACY MODULE is an optional add-on available here separately on slexchange for L$49. With this extra module attached to the rezzer, it can power up or down automatically when you enter the sim or when there are other people around who you want to see your rezzed objects.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 13, 2015 by Ninja Nova

Its no copy

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 01, 2014 by Camthalion1966

You need copy Mod rights in order to use it, that's ok, its just does not work whether it says yo have those rights anyway!

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Super genial tool
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 19, 2011 by Spikel Monentes

Very coool tool

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted March 10, 2010 by Reid Bigbear

3 stars?! OMG! Yes. I think, though the owner explains everything in his NOTECARDS AFTER you buy the item, that it DOES free prims up... only downfall, it's a TEMPORARY rezzer code that 're-rezzes' the item or items. So this means it appears, disappears, reappears again, and so on so forth.
Good product if you're using it for shop items, but I would stick to using prims when it comes to houses and big objects.
I've gotten tired of trying to stay in the "restrictions" of what it can and cannot do. So, 3 stars. Good product, with a downfall. Hope this helps

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 28, 2010 by Daraden Friller

I'm so happy I bought this!!! This was no let down at all i'm using it at my store and bought small peice of land to show all my demos of my furniture no need to buy a sim.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 29, 2009 by Christian Gordon

my landlord found i was using all the prims so it didnt work and it was a waste of money ...

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