G General

"This Way" Sign on Post, Attractive 3D Mesh Sign

"This Way" Sign on Post, Attractive 3D Mesh Sign

Attractive Classic 3d Wood Grain Sign on Wood Post. Directional arrow may be turned to point any direction, or arrow may be hidden from view if you don't need a arrow.

Wood Grain Texture with Normal Map.
Modify & Transfer Permissions.
Directional Arrow rotates to point any direction.
Directional Arrow can be hidden.
Menu for easy setting of directional arrow.
3 copies of the sign included.
Stretch to desired size.
100% Mesh.
1 Prim, less than 1 Land Impact.

Lots of other sign wordings are available from my Marketplace store, search for "Leaf Illusion sign".

Can't find the exact sign wording you want? Custom sign wording available at very reasonable cost. Contact Leaf Illusion by IM or at LeafIllusionStore@gmail.com.