200+ sims of public rails he will run on with Annie, Clarabel, and Bobby Caboose following.
81 + 24 + 24 + 27 prims total with carriages
Uses VRC 2010 Train Opensource V2.6.0 with the VRC 2010 Train Opensource V2.6.2 carriage pulling add-on.
CarriageRez gesture included
Help notes inside
Spare parts for sale here:
No copy, a problem
What am I supposed to do with this? If I pull all the objects out of it they're not gonna go back in there when auto return gets me. Good for one ride maybe. Regret.
Not as described
Bought this as my irl son is mad on trains. Cant drive it. No instructions as it says and there are no carriages what was the whole point of me buying it :(
Peep Peep
I really love this locomotive! It's very fun to ride the SLRR rails on the mainland with. But I really wished it was copy as I had to re-purchase this product about three times after SL ate Thomas during horrible sim crossings on the mainland. >: