Here comes the best parts together and a real bike built
The bike was designed with a lot of love to detail.
It really does work !
Before you buy please TRY DEMO IN WORLD !!
Low lag ACS script.
Resizer in the menu.
No hud needed.
Duo passenger.
passenger seat in the rear fender.
High Detailed Parts mesh with texture
Wheelie (page up)!
Low Land Impact.
And many more.....!
MOD you can change everything color texture
everyone as he wants! copy / No Trans
Bike can be resized by menu, and position adjust also in the menu!
How the bike drives:
Shift + left or right button, change gears
picture up button bicycle makes a wheelie.
and a lot more......
Bike menu:
Turn off / on, turn on the bike when it is seated.
Light, turn on headlights!
Resizer, you can resize the bike!
Burnout rear wheel
exhaust smoke
and much more ......
The bike looks real, it is made with love and real sound !!!
The bike is very easy to drive without you having to get used to the bike....