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Tiger Plushie (ANIMESH)

Tiger Plushie (ANIMESH)

The cute tiger plushie will wiggle its tail, ears, limbs and roll its eyes randomly in random interval.
(Click "Watch it in action" in above to see.)

This plushie follows the design of traditional craftsmanship of mothers using bits of spare cloth from making clothes for their families, and sewing together with a very simple design and stuffing with cotton for their kids to have fun with.

The distinguishing and signifying 王 pattern on the forehead is found on many illustrations and traditional portrait of tiger in many Chinese ancient art.

Tiger represents livelihood and strength.

Hope you all are as lively and powerful as tigers.

Package comes with versions of animesh and static for both holding on hand and rezzing as decor.

  • 100% Original Mesh
  • Materials enabled