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Tin Teddy American Trees - High quality, copyable trees for your garden, park etc - 3prim and 1 prim

Tin Teddy American Trees - High quality, copyable trees for your garden, park etc - 3prim and 1 prim
Tin Teddy American Trees - High quality, copyable trees for your garden, park etc - 3prim and 1 prim
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Very high quality plants - copyable & modifiable to make your landscaping both realistic and economical.

This box contains the following 10 beautiful trees from Tin Teddy:

Bristlecone Pine - young
Crape Myrtle
Juniper tree
Kentucky coffee tree
Oregon Ash - young
Paper birch
Red maple
Red maple - young
Sassafras tree
Western larch - young

There are two versions of each included - both versions look the same.

One is a 'traditional' version made of three-interlocking prims. This version is very stable and ideal for viewing from a distance. They are already at the 'real life scale' height for that type and age of tree, however you can also modify them.

The other version is a single sculpty prim. This version is ideal where prims are at a premium, but can loose shape when viewed from distances. You can also easily resize the ones that are smaller than 10m tall.

Both versions have the same high quality Tin Teddy textures - home-made especially for this project. The very two tallest trees use new, stable megaprims - they are unfortunately unresizable for this reason.

All the trees are copyable and tintable. Economical and versatile :-)

This selection of trees was carefully chosen from the large number available in the store, they are, in my opinion, some of the most beautiful of the North American native trees. Most grow in gardens and parks all over the world now, of course :-)

The plants are all available separately from my Tin Teddy Textures store in Trabushkja., though buying in this box gives a big overall saving.

Tin Teddy Garden Centre has a huge range of trees and plants for your garden and landscaping needs. With over 250 different trees (and growing fast) and available copyable for economy. If you require any single tree or plant - I can easily supply transfer versions for half the price of the copyable one.

Do come check out our full-range at my Tin Teddy Textures store in Trabushkja.

See item in Second Life
  • Unique, Original Textures
  • Realistic
  • Copyable for economy
  • Modifiable - tint or resize
  • Beautiful trees

L$ 299

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Tin Teddy by Elgyfu Wishbringer
Tin Teddy by Elgyfu Wishbringer
Sold by: Elgyfu Wishbringer

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 1