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Titanium Floating Swamp Cabin

Titanium Floating Swamp Cabin

This is the first in a series of floating swamp/bog houses .
The footprint is approx. 10X15.

The house is built on an olde metal platform and toxic barrels keep it afloat. (You can change textures of the barrels if you want)
You have two windows and a nice porch out front.
The house is made from the local trees and has a rustic look to it.
The roof is a tin roof salvaged from the burnt out building just down stream.
The front door is scripted using the timeless door script. ( full Instructions inside script) Script should be full perm, if any problems just contact me and I will take care of.

I hope you enjoy your stay in your new floating cabin.
May you always be mosquito and alligator free.

You have full Mod/Copy no transfer.

also included:

Titanium 4x8 metal sheet 1
Titanium 90 Steam Pipe 1
Titanium Concrete Brick 1
Titanium Long Crate on Concrete Bricks 1
Titanium Steampunk Broiler 1
Titanium Toxic Barrel 1
Titanium TV 1 (Freeview TV with presets for some 1930-1950 various movies)
Titanium Yet Another Wire Spool Table 1
Titanium Yet Another Sitting Stool 1
Titanium Wood Plank Walk
All the above is Copy/Mod no transfer except the TV it is also transfer.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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life like but a bit small but homie i love it keep up the good job 5 stars
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 18, 2015 by lucky13jockey

life like but a bit small but homie i love it keep up the good job 5 stars

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