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TonkTastic - The Respirator

TonkTastic - The Respirator

TonkTastic - The Respirator

► Features:

• Resize Script (deletable)
• Breathing sound
• Particle steam
• Turn on/off sound & particles
• 12 colors
• Body and filters can be textured separately, that makes 144 possible designs
• 2 versions included: With and without snorkel
• Option to remove resize scripts if you want

✚ The TonkTastic Guarantee: No templates or prefab sculpties used. You get only unique stuff!


Kind Regards,


Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 25, 2011 by Dion Bracken

I don't think you said steampunk quite enough times Tactical. Other than that mask is pro. Good shit.

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Steampunk texture = FTW! xD
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 05, 2011 by Tactical Eizenhart

My avi is steampunk, quite unique looking so when i saw this had a steampunk texture i had to get it!

Great quality work as usual, i also have the gas mask. Would be nice if that had a steampunk texture too but oh well ^.^

5 stars

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 03, 2010 by lediablo666 Zeplin

It's so realistic things ;D I love it,that have many mod.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 30, 2010 by traktune Dryke

great respirator ! Highly detailed, and many texture combination to choose. I bought the goggles And i like my avatar ;)

Tonktastic (Y) ☺☺

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 08, 2009 by amycrystalee Trenchmouth

This respirator is great! Highly detailed, and many texture combination to choose from (wish there were some options in blue but for the price of this product and the detail and combination you do get can't be too picky hehe) I mean normally great items like this sell for just a little under 1K and you get it for 500, it's highway robbery on your part, also you can think of it as if you really don't like it you didn't spend to much on it and if you love it you got it for a steal, I bought the goggles as well just for a interesting BDSM look and I must say they both helped me turn from heads (or so I have been told) so if you like gas masks/breathing apparatus that have both form and function then this respirator is for you.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 23, 2009 by Vlk Soyer

The mask is awesome :) the auto-resize is very nice as well, XL L M S XS, then fine-tune smaller bigger if i remember well, but it would be nice if it were mod too so i can remove/add unique stuff and make it better for my face :) the other problem is that it looks so nice that i have to buy a lot of tonktastic stuff to balance it :D

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