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Tree Castle 2.0

Tree Castle 2.0

It is hard to describe this castle. I created it for myself and my partner .. my first attempt at making a house from scratch. But I made it like I make my jewelry .. with a great deal of attention to detail. I have included a number of pictures .. both of the Tree Castle that is for sale .. and of my home to give you an idea how it looks decorated. However, the best thing is to just come to Isle of Adaron and look at it. Give me a call for a tour inside. This house looks like a romantic fairytale castle .. but it is designed to be a useable Home. We have named ours Castle Adaron, but you will want to pick a name for your own :-)

So here are the numbers and the features :-)
Prims: 527 for the castle and the tree
Land Required: 45x45 meters - 4096 minimum lot required, 8096 lot recommended or homestead sim
Floor Space: 1130 sq meters .. or 12,150 sq ft + outside balconies, walkways and turrets
Height: 55 meters
Sculpted prim tree
Elevator from the ground up to the Castle
Complete Teleport system with access control - Owner, Group, User List, Public
Central Castle Controller:
Fireplace fires on/off (2)
Prim Window tint control
Outside lights on/off (6)
Access control
Doors that open realisticly with access control
Sliding pocket doors for the bathroom
AND what is a castle without a Hidden Room :-)

This is an updated version of the Tree Castle that uses fewer prims and an improved TP system. The leaves of the tree can now be changed to match the different seasons.

See item in Second Life
  • Sculpted Tree w/Seasonal Leaves
  • Menu Teleport system
  • Central Controller for windows & fireplaces
  • Elevator from ground up to landing
  • Fairytale Castle