One of Odin's names was Hangatyr, the god of the hanged, for having hanged nine days and nine nights on the tree Yggdrasil, a sacrifice to himself, in order to gain wisdom and knowledge of the runes.
A great addition to any northern, viking and torvaldslander sim, and perfect for runesmith
rituals, the Tree of Odin features two sculpted ravens and a mistletoe-entwined spear,
representing Huginn and Muninn, Odin's ravens, and Gungnir,his enchanted spear.
We chose to represent the hanging as an upside-down one, as often pictured in the
"Hanged Man" tarot card, one leg in the hangman's noose, one with its knee bent.
The Tree also gives wearable mistletoe-entwined spears when clicked, and the animation can adjusted with PgUp/PgDown to match the AV height.
Perfect for viking, torvaldslander, pagan and celtic historic environments.
Trident has been designing and creating medieval and ancient builds since 2007. The inspiration for our work comes from our passion for medieval reenactment and research of historic houses, ships, furniture, jewelry and clothing.
Trident builds are fully supported and continually updated to increase detail and reduce prim count making use of custom sculpts and texturing, and unique scripts and animations.
Laufey Markstein
November 2009
Updated April 2011
- Hanging Upside Down [by an Ankle] Animation
- Gives Odin's Spears
- Animation can be adjusted to match AV size
Supernatural Spooky and Wise, a great Tree!
Tree of Odin is an inspirational tree with Odins two ravens Huginn and Muninn in the branches, a spear and changeable animations to wear as you hang reflectively from the tree as Odin did in his pursuit of wisdom. Looks great in my machinima film The Helmsman ( )