Triangle Solitaire Game Version 1.0
This is the classic one-person strategy game that gets you thinking.
Jump one peg over another, into any adjacent hole, and remove the peg that was just jumped. Try to jump and remove as many pegs as you possibly can.
If you are left with only one peg at the end of the game, consider yourself a genius. If there are two pegs remaining, then you still have reason to brag. Three pegs remaining would be average, while four or more might be slightly embarrassing.
This game has a menu for players to restart at any time. Game owners can control the size of the game and how the results are announced to players — either by a private message (IM) or whisper. The game could be placed on a surface, or hung on a wall.
Players can end the game at anytime by restarting it, and they are given 30 seconds of inactivity before the game is made available for other players to use.
The game comes with MOD + TRANS permissions (the script is TRANS only).
Only 8 Land Impact (15 prims), 1 Script.
- Classic game
- Wooden
- Resizable
- Announcing results
- Low land impact