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Trio Game

Trio Game

Trio Game is an amazingly simple, yet challenging puzzle game. It requires logic thinking and skill, rather than luck.

You can play it alone or with up to 12 people at the same time.

The aim of the game is to look for 3 cards that are either all the same, or all different, for each of the 4 properties: Number, color, shape and filling.
Click on the 3 cards and they will be replaced with new ones.
The clock stops while cards are selected, so you can use all game time to improve your score!

There are 3 game-modes:
-Practice, everyone can enter, no time limit.
-Solo, timed game, enter the hall of fame.
-Multiplayer, timed game, final scores are announced in main chat.

Trio Game even works as a HUD , but of course then the multiplayer option is not available.
The game is made of 1 object with 11 prims, operated by clicks and by menu.

Extra menu items for the owner:
-Set game to 3 sizes (both rezzed and as HUD)
-Show/Hide the timerbar
-Hide or set color of the hall of fame
-Reset hall of fame
-Reset game, to stop current game

Trio Game does not deal with money, but feel free to organize your own tournament.

If you want to try Trio Game go to:


Don't worry if you're having trouble finding your first trio's. Once you get the hang of it you'll find you keep getting better and better!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 13, 2008 by Jo Heartsdale

When I first bought this I was a bit disappointed because it was so LARGE and wouldn't fit in the space I'd planned for it - but - doh! - there's a menu option to resize it :)

Took me a while to get the hang of the gameplay - and it IS challenging - I LOVE it! Give up all idea of actually trying to have a conversation when playing this - it takes concentration!

If anyone knows of a downloadable version of this game to play offline, PLEASE let me know, am trying to conserve bandwidth, and it's got me hooked!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 10, 2007 by Roberto Salubrius

hey I have been playing this game since it was in BETA stage ! it is Addictive, makes you think and extremely well Developed, it's a must if you think you have what it takes to play it! you need a good IQ to play this, and if you don't have it your brain muscle will grow, I wish I had a RL version to play in my Laptop or Palm... maybe someday !

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