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Tudor houses (row of 3)

Tudor houses (row of 3)

Simplistic build designed only for filling in spaces between other builds you maybe using to create villages or towns etc.
Tudor style,row of 3 houses,half timbered of the type built in the 1600`s .
Note !
this intenteded as a non functional build,ie doors are not scripted .
Other builds are available to enhance these.

  • 3d sculpts
  • 25x20
  • copy only
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Buyer beware - this is truly a total prop. Cannot enter at all.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 22, 2022 by Tayren Ravenwood

Doors are not *scripted*? You mean doors are not even usable as they are solid. Looks cute but you cant even *OPEN* the doors. Why would anyone build this way - such a high prim item that can't even be entered. I understand prop houses but a 76 prim prop house that could have easily been a functional house by just checking the "mod" button. Just no reason. OR if you are that paranoid about your work being copied, at least make it "phantom" so we can add our own floor prims and enter the damn door.

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