U-Poser™ 2.5.5
Price drop for a limited time!
With this enhanced version of U-Poser you can create full-permission poses and animations in-world for nearly any sized Avatar. Using a properly scaled Mannequin you can create animations which interact with objects in SL including but not limited to custom animations for motorcycles, bicycles, rowboats, cars or any other vehicle. A great tool for models and photographers. You can accurately adjust the animation in increments as small as 0.1 degrees. U-Poser’s unlimited range of motion allows for unlimited possibilities.
Easily set up your Mannequin’s size for a specific Avatar using the comprehensive web-based U-Poser Reference and Help Guide. You can now create poses without that Avatar being present. You can quickly make pose adjustments by clicking on the Mannequin’s limbs/joints then clicking and dragging the axis rings. With the U-Poser animation system you can preview animation playback in real time.
U-Poser saves directly to a BVH file which may then be imported into other animation programs. U-Poser is easier to use than most PC-based programs and works with any operating system running SL.
Enhancements in version 2.5.4:
-Web output (no more copy/paste to create BVH files)
-Control up to four Mannequins on one HUD
-Playback animations on more than one Mannequin at the same time
-Ability to mirror a pose
-Include/exclude zero frame in web output
-Selectable menu choices
-Improved animation playback
-Add frame time for animation playback
-Minimize/maximize HUD
-Frame limits increased from 40 to 60
-More import options
-All mono compiled
What's included:
U-Poser HUD
U-Poser Mannequin
Sit Target alignment tools
Sit scripts / Pose Ball
HUD, Mannequin and sit target helper are copy/mod but their scripts are copy only. Sit scripts are copy/mod (allowing you to make the scripts full permission). With these permissions you can rez multiple Mannequins. All content created by you is full permission.
NOW AVAILABLE: A "lease to own" option (available in-world only. See notecard from U-Poser vendor.)
Updates are free and may be obtained in SL at The Gadget Shop in Aglia.
Great tool for creating animations and poses, such as:
-Vehicles: car poses, bike poses, planes, motorcycle poses, boat poses, skate poses, skate board poses, surfboard poses, etc.
-Roleplay: vampires animations, furries animations, tinies animations, etc.
-Fun/Sports/Work: modeling poses, photography poses, swimming poses, walking animations, standing poses, flying animations, running animations, hugging poses, kissing poses, yoga poses, tai chi poses, meditation poses, etc.
-Other: poseballs scripts, furniture scripts etc.
- Easily create full mod poses and animations for nearly any sized AV.
- Create custom fit poses for cars, bikes, planes, vehicles, and motorcycles.
- Awesome tool for photography, model poses, roleplay, sports, and exercise
- Custom alignment for furniture, poseballs, yoga, kissing, hugging, dancing.
- Uposer mannequin allows creation of stand, walk, run, fly poses for AO
Fully Unintuitive.
This wasn't made with your convenience in mind. It seems simple enough to understand, but requires you to study a giant fuckoff document. Even other comments, both positive and negative, tout mulling over the instructions for hours to make a single pose.
I was looking for something similar to anypose, but more precise. All got was a test of patience.
I hate it!!
too complicated. I wish I can have my money back
good stuff
was totaly confused at first until i hit the help button and all was revealed, great instructions to follow, took me a few hours to set it all up and have it up and running to give me my first pose, and it was pretty damn good for a first time, im having fun with it and there will be many uses for it in the future, thanks
So amazing!!!
Works right out of the box when reading the quick start guide. Absolutely Amazing ...I haven't even learned everything about this yet and my poses for my bikes and cars are already awesome!!!
Love love love it.
This is great for anyone that want to do photo work. As you can get people exactly how you want. Easy to use if you follow the instructions from the website. after a few times you will be making poses in no time.
a good product,
This is for most builders and animators a must have item. I would recommend it