G General




Face piercing&ear piercing
2colors set^^(black and blue)
100% HAND-DRAWN texture.


How to wear it beautifully

If you wear face pierces at the first time,
or if you are not familiar in editing small objects,
it is strongly recommended to read this guide.

Face pierces should be attached to the avatar face with precise matching.
It might be hard until you get your hand in editing process, but please hang in to wear them beautifully.

1. At first, sit on a pose stand to fix your body.

2. Select a pierce in the folder then right crick it and select “ADD”.
(The reason to use ADD is not to remove other objects on the same spot, such as face light.)

3. Move the camera close to your face in order to edit the face pierce.
When approaching to the limit, then touch Ctl+0 in order to place the camera closer.
(Important: Do not forget to release the camera close-up by touching Ctl+9 after completing editing.)

4. Look at the pierce from various directions such as front or side, then crick the subject pierce that you want to edit to open editing window. Did you see arrows with three colors? Please move the pierce to the desirable direction.
(You cannot see the pierce although you wore it? It may be because your face is too large and the pierce was buried in your face. Go back to the inventory window and look at the folder that has the pierce. The pierce that you wore will be shown in white bold letters. Right crick the white bold letters. There will be a small window coming out, and there will be a letter “EDIT” in the window. Crick “EDIT”. Arrows with three colors will appear and it becomes possible to move the pierce buried in your face. Move the pierce out of your face.)

Have you adjusted it satisfactorily?
If you were not able to make it by all means, MANDALA provides in-world support.
Please get in touch with kikunosuke eel (English or Japanese) or polly reina (English).

Thank you!

See item in Second Life
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worst item ever
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 22, 2022 by DiegoLeonheart

worst set on sl , no hud no adjustment what a joke

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nice but we cannot manage the position of the piercings individually.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 28, 2021 by fascicularia

nice but we cannot manage the position of the piercings individually.
Absolutely no bento

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 24, 2018 by pcmt

5 star

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 10, 2016 by Dorian Marchant

I love this

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted May 29, 2016 by rick74 Crumb

unpacked ....only script inside

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Failed Delivery
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 30, 2016 by Pr0xYCha0s

unpacked with nothing inside

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