LAST UPDATE: 06-22-2011
PERMISSIONS: Mod/Copy/No Transfer
- FX_GLOBE: 30
- [URW]_FX_GLOBE_250_1
- [URW]_FX_GLOBE_250_2
The FX_GLOBE_250_1/2 has 8 colors.
Colors are: White, Green, Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Magenta.
The FX_GLOBE_250 has 3 speeds, 2 Beam sizes, 2 Switch Color Programs and 2 Flash Modes.
Set 1, 2 and 3 buttons are part of the controller instead of the menu.
This way FX_GLOBE_250's in another Set can be accessed much faster.
[URW]_FX_GLOBE_250_1 has bigger beams and another beam texture.
When the FX_GLOBE_250 top is pressed by the owner, a menu will appear with the following options:
- Set 1, 2, 3: With these functions you can create 3 groups of FX_GLOBEs. Default is Set 1.
- Exit Menu: To exit the menu the correct way.
The Controller has 27 buttons;
ON: The last known program will be started.
OFF: To turn the FX_GLOBE and controller off.
GO: Starts the light.
SPEED 1, 2, 3, OFF: To set the FX_GLOBE rotation speed.
SIZE 1, 2: To set the FX_GLOBE beam size.
PROG. 1, 2: To set the FX_GLOBE color switch programs.
COLORS: To set the FX_GLOBE color: White, Green, Orange, Red, Blue. Yellow, Purple, Magenta.
FLASH 1, 2: To set the FX_GLOBE flash programs.
1, 2, 3: To change to Set 1, 2 or 3.
- Owner, Group, All: You can make the Controller accessible for Owner, Group and All. Default is Group.
- RESET: To restore the controllers default settings.
- UPDATE: To check for product updates. Can take up to 20 seconds before you'll recieve a response.
- Exit Menu: To exit the menu the correct way.
There are a couple of settings that can be adjusted by filling in the
Globes Top Prim Description Field.
These settings are:
- Beam Transparancy, Range from 0.0 (clear) to 1.0 (solid). Default is 0.1.
- Beam Glow, Range from 0.0 (no glow) to 1.0 (full glow). Default is 0.1.
The Description Field is Built up like this:
Transparancy, Glow (Values are separated by commas).
The Description Field looks like this:
0.1, 0.1
After filling in the desired values press Menu Prim and choose "LOAD DATA".
Changes will be confirmed.
VERSION: 1.2, 06-22-2011
- ADDED: Another version of the FX_GLOBE_250. Version 2 has bigger beams and another texture.
- ADDED: Advanced Set-up feature.
VERSION: 1.1, 03-07-2011
- ADDED: IDCode (HUD) feature.
VERSION: 1.0, 01-28-2011
- 8 Colors
- 3 Speeds
- 2 Flash Animations
- 2 Color Programs and Update Service
- Inworld controller and HUD
Not bad item. But needs work.
Light beams go way too far into the building, takes allot of work to set up.