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[URW]_FX_GLOBE_250 Version 1.2


LAST UPDATE: 06-22-2011
PERMISSIONS: Mod/Copy/No Transfer
- FX_GLOBE: 30

- [URW]_FX_GLOBE_250_1
- [URW]_FX_GLOBE_250_2

The FX_GLOBE_250_1/2 has 8 colors.
Colors are: White, Green, Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Magenta.
The FX_GLOBE_250 has 3 speeds, 2 Beam sizes, 2 Switch Color Programs and 2 Flash Modes.
Set 1, 2 and 3 buttons are part of the controller instead of the menu.
This way FX_GLOBE_250's in another Set can be accessed much faster.
[URW]_FX_GLOBE_250_1 has bigger beams and another beam texture.


When the FX_GLOBE_250 top is pressed by the owner, a menu will appear with the following options:
- Set 1, 2, 3: With these functions you can create 3 groups of FX_GLOBEs. Default is Set 1.
- Exit Menu: To exit the menu the correct way.


The Controller has 27 buttons;
ON: The last known program will be started.
OFF: To turn the FX_GLOBE and controller off.
GO: Starts the light.
SPEED 1, 2, 3, OFF: To set the FX_GLOBE rotation speed.
SIZE 1, 2: To set the FX_GLOBE beam size.
PROG. 1, 2: To set the FX_GLOBE color switch programs.
COLORS: To set the FX_GLOBE color: White, Green, Orange, Red, Blue. Yellow, Purple, Magenta.
FLASH 1, 2: To set the FX_GLOBE flash programs.
1, 2, 3: To change to Set 1, 2 or 3.

- Owner, Group, All: You can make the Controller accessible for Owner, Group and All. Default is Group.
- RESET: To restore the controllers default settings.
- UPDATE: To check for product updates. Can take up to 20 seconds before you'll recieve a response.
- Exit Menu: To exit the menu the correct way.


There are a couple of settings that can be adjusted by filling in the
Globes Top Prim Description Field.

These settings are:
- Beam Transparancy, Range from 0.0 (clear) to 1.0 (solid). Default is 0.1.
- Beam Glow, Range from 0.0 (no glow) to 1.0 (full glow). Default is 0.1.

The Description Field is Built up like this:
Transparancy, Glow (Values are separated by commas).

The Description Field looks like this:
0.1, 0.1

After filling in the desired values press Menu Prim and choose "LOAD DATA".
Changes will be confirmed.

VERSION: 1.2, 06-22-2011
- ADDED: Another version of the FX_GLOBE_250. Version 2 has bigger beams and another texture.
- ADDED: Advanced Set-up feature.

VERSION: 1.1, 03-07-2011
- ADDED: IDCode (HUD) feature.

VERSION: 1.0, 01-28-2011

View Video »
  • 8 Colors
  • 3 Speeds
  • 2 Flash Animations
  • 2 Color Programs and Update Service
  • Inworld controller and HUD
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Not bad item. But needs work.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted February 07, 2017 by Azrikam

Light beams go way too far into the building, takes allot of work to set up.

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