- Update 18 Jul-01-
Now includes a differently shaped head for people that dont have the patience to customize their avatars, this shape has a smaller face (that will hopefully look better with lots of more hairs) and a less pointy chin, the mouth and nose were also lifted up a little.
/!\ Warning /!\
Please see this list of appearance editor sliders that work and dont work before you consider buying this head https://utilizator404.wordpress.com/2018/06/06/bento-for-dummies/
Also please note that since this head is rigged mesh, you cannot resize and position it to fit your hair like you could with M3, and because of that it can look really weird with some hairs and fine with others. You just need to find the right hair.
This head is compatible with eyes, eyelashes and blush textures for the M3 heads, but M3 skin textures will not work because of a different UV map. Use the M3 retro loader for older eye/lash/blush texture mods.
The long awaited M4 Bento anime head is here! and now you can be one of the cool kids riding the bento craze wave.
- What is bento and why does it matter? -
For those of you who still dont really know what all this bento hype is about, Bento is a new set of bones that LL has recently implemented into the game, such as face bones, wing bones, tail bones, finger bones and some other bones. These bones are used to animate specific body parts such as the fingers on your hands or the expression of your face, and is what this head uses to animate its face.
The main advantage of using bento bones for anime heads is that there is no more need to have a bunch of invisible meshes for every face expression, using just one mesh to do every expression instead. This in turn greatly reduces the render weight of your avatar, on top of that, anyone can now make expressions and face animations, so you are no longer limited to what is in the HUD.
The disadvantage is that since the head is rigged, it can no longer be scaled and positioned, causing problems with how big your face looks with some of the hairs, and face expressions are sadly somewhat limited due to the way bento bones work, meaning some expressions are just not possible to make without looking really weird or deforming your face.
- whats included in this package -
This Manual
HUD usage instructions.
M4 Head
M4 Head HUD
M4 Neck for Kemono
M4 Neck for Avatar 2.0
M4 Neck for LL and normie bodies like Belleza and Slink
M4 Neck for Rikugou
M4 Default shape
Emote pack
Bonus items
Update card
Landmark to the store
Emotes pack:
3 voice chat activation gestures
Emote instructions
Example emote gesture
Bonus items:
Remote control relay
Developer resources
Omega skin appliers for normies bodies
Skins for LL body
LL head alpha
- Features -
• Full mod - Edit it, link stuff to it, rip or replace its textures, go crazy with it but make backups before you do!
• In depth customization with lots of options - Customize your head, choose its eye styles, colors, skin color, ear and nose types, add custom textures and specular maps. 2 types of ears, noses and eye shapes to choose from.
• Full facial control - Eyebrows, eyelids, Eyes and mouth can be controlled separately, mixing and matching different positions to create your own expression.
• Smooth animations and built in AO - eyes blink, look around, the mouth moves when you type or talk on voice chat, emotes as well as 3 different face AO styles.
• And more!
- Full mod
- In depth customization with lots of options
- Full facial control
- Smooth animations and built in AO
- Bento
This is too cute, omg
I love it so muuuchhh.
I originally bought the m4 chibi head then decided to grab this one too after making a personal mod with it. Grabbed this one as well and the skin tone almost matches the chibi so I don't have to bother modding this one. I absolutely love the eyes so muuuchhh and the fact there's two head shapes which is a lovely bonus~
Thank you for making this utilizator! <3
And Yes, for future reviewers/buyers the eyes are big like the chibi..look at the photos. They clear that up quite well.
It's amazing. Anime eyes. It has them. Decide BEFORE you buy.
I don't get why people are tanking the review for "big eyes". Anime girls have big eyes. That's how the art style is. This is maybe one of the TRUEST anime-style heads available. The other ones are a more "realistic" style to be put on Maitreya type bodies with "realistic" skins. This one is pure anime. Get a good anime-inspired texture, hair, and clothing to make the ultimate anime girl look.
The mouth is cute, too. I don't understand the criticisms at all.
P.S. There are images of the head. Buying it and then saying "I HATE THE EYES" makes you look like a dunce. Look at the images, reach out to people that own it to get a better look. Yes. the product needs a demo (all items need demos) but that doesn't mean there aren't alternatives.
I wanna love it but...
Honestly... the eyes Are tooo Big like there as big as the chibi eyes from the m4 chibi head also it looks like the old venus head somewhat as well like it barely looks like M3 Anime head :( i love your stuff Utilizator but this one is kinda bad..
No thanks
I don’t think this head is terrible. But in my opinion m3 looked much better. The eyes like everyone is saying is WAY too big. And has a weird uncanny valley-vibe to it. Even using a different skin doesn’t rly fix how unappealing this looks. I appreciate that you can use the editor sliders for this. This head had a lot of potential. It just would’ve been better if it looked more like m3 or just. Anything other than that? Atleast make a version with smaller eyes??
Another problem is the lack of a demo. There should’ve been one. Especially since I was really unsure about it at first. I really wanted to like this head. But I just can’t with how ugly it looks.
Ahhh, I'm sad
I want to love this head, because Utilizator's anime expressions are super cute, but I just can't... the eyes are just *HUGE* and if you try to make them smaller, the eyeballs will poke outside the head. :( I am really dissapointed... There are no demos, so I thought M4 would be a M3 "upgraded version", but if I knew about the eyes, which you can't make smaller, I would just have got the M3 instead; I use it with other avs, M3 is much more harmonious and proportional looking. :(