<UTILIZATOR> - Normie Head

- 2019 update -
The head now supports tattoo layers and has 2 extra necks for connecting it to the Avatar 2.0 and Kemono bodies, you can find them in the options menu.
The normie bento head is the answer to all those overpriced, no mod, weird alien neck mesh heads, that you see on the market.
This head Is SLUV/Omega compatible so you have a wide selection of skins, makeup, hair bases and other options. The head is full mod too so you can add those finishing touches.
This head will work with all mesh bodies that use the LL neck connection, such as Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and many more(also works with the system avatar if body fat is set to 0), try the demo if you arent sure.
- No weird neck
- Full bento
- Omega compatible
- full mod
- compatible with all mesh bodies that use LL neck
Still wearing it!
My 2nd review. Yes, I got the Xmas free Biggest Name 2023 head. Yes, when another brand recently put all their soon 2b old heads on deep clearance I got all of them. But what do I use? My Normie. Partly for the ease of use but I'm just not myself otherwise. This and a L$10 promo shape off the MP have been my go-to starting base before this account, and still are. I've created endless looks with my promo shape and Normie head. Maybe I just haven't experimented enough but if I have to endlessly tweak a Big Name head to feel as unique and natural and pretty as I do in my Normie, then why would I? To date, I feel as if I were a cartoon character in anything else. I use a classic PF system skin and cosmetics (yes this can be made 2b BOM with simple additions) with the Maitreya mesh BOM layers for the body, then slap a little Omega materials shine on my face over the BOM to match my body shine and I'm GTG.
I do beg for any updates that can be done and not break the qualities this head has that make it different from the herd. I feel as if the ears could be smoother. Seriously this head has been around half of forever and that's the harshest critique I can manage. And it's tricky finding a facial AO that looks okay and doesn't break the tongue. Try ones for older Laq/Lelutka heads. They're out there. Demo before buying and make sure it expressions don't break the tongue.
Any other complaints are on others, not Uti. More shapes, and I'm so tired of looking for more recent skins that work off the SLUV, I'm tired of going to stores to find all the Not Ev** removed from the shelves especially when the MP says 'demo in world' but y'all seem to think it's okay not to have then in world, because Muh Ev**! Well, Muh Normie!
If you're on a budget, or want uncomplicated (1 object to attach), or want to be Not Everyone Else and willing to spend some time towards that goal, I recommend this head. If you want to be just another Barbie Doll, then not so much. I'm no Barbie.
Gets the job done
Great mesh head to create a unique female face on a budget
L$ 500
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