Special Huge Halloween Builders Kits with no mod Sculpty Maps, fullperms baked Textures, Scripts, Particle, sounds and animations.
Prefabricated Examples
Content with all Maps and Textures:
2xChocokiss Candy
2x Yam Yams Bonbons
2x Yammy Cupcakes
3xBoiling Witches Pot with Bubble Sound, Particles and animated Soup and drops.
2x Candles + Flame script
1xGravestone + Earth
2x Magic Staffs
3x Pumpkins
3x Ruebengeister
1x Sack + Ribbon
1x Skeleton Hand + Bones
3x Ghosts
1x Witch Hat + Ribbon
1x Witchs Broom + 4x Different animations+ Script
- no mody, copy, transfer Sculpty Maps
- Fullperms baked Textures
- Broom Sitting Animations + Script
- Realistic Witches Cauldron Sound/Particles/Animated Textures
missing some sculpt maps
beautiful kit but....
missing some sculpt maps and you can not recreate the object completely
last login creator of June 2015 :-(
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