::Unique Style:: Kaya shape (Kaya Head 3.1) gift

Shape for Lelutka Kaya head 3.1 (EVOX)and ., legacy classic body
✩1 shapes
✩1 stylecart
✩1 eyebrow shape
✩1 physics
✩ Mesh Head andar Body not Included
✩ Skin not Included
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- Gift
- Lelutka
- Kaya
- Shape
- Legacy
Perfect for those who love delicate traits. The shape is even better than that of the image. If you like more robust traits, it's not your choice. I loved it, for 10 lindens a shape so it's for free! Thanks!!!
No se parece en nada a la imagen
No se parece en nada a la imagen. Supongo que se debe a que no he añadido ninguno de los elementos de la tarjeta de estilo. Cuando añada esos elementos y vea que se parece a la imagen, le daré 5 estrellas.
its beautiful,it fits with the heauz skin,its cute :33 <3
super cute
probably one of my favorite shapes so far for this head <3 very well done! and thank you for the gift!
L$ 10
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