If you like this house and you wish to have a modify version please visit the Marketplace store, you will find it for a very reasonable price.
Basic Info:
Partial Mesh
Measurements: Width: 19,25 m / Length: 14 m
Prims: 56
1 floor
Copy/No Mod/No Trans
Unfurnished. Included is a stone fireplace.
House Functions:
FIREPLACE: comes with a menu to set up the fire and smoke as you wish (color, size...). Please read the info note that comes in the folder.
LIGHTS: on/off by touch.
Uses a rezz box system (please read the info note for instructions on how to rezz).
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- Low prims mesh and sculpts
- Lights
- Fireplace with Fire and smoke control
So cute!!
What a price!
Nice house!!! Great price!!! Almost free!
Very well done .. Sits nicely within a small dome I have.. low prims a plus
Great little cottage
This is a gorgeous little cottage. Am going to buy the copy/mod version, so I can edit two of the windows which aren't aligned well (sitting too low, so gap in window above, and window frame sits in wall, results in flickering of textures).
Other than that imperfection, it's superb.
It is perfect
especially if you do not have a lot of room to play with works great in small places
And it looks great too, roomy enough to see what you are doing and cozy
thank you
I love it.
It's cozy and romantic. A nice little witches' house.
The room is high enough so I could insert an intermediate floor for my bed.