This was the first full AO created by Vista Animations. Now updated an on sale on Xstreet as a Basic product line.
Ensambled one zhao2 mb2 Vista HUD. with mod , copy permision. (add more animations or edit them)
Animation in are just copy.
2 walk animations
1 run
5 stands
animated jump, prejump and landing
Flight,up, down,fall
1 sit and 1 ground sit.
A great way to start you SL AO experience!
Try the animations inworld at Vista Animations region.
Annotation Lies
At the right side under "Buy" there is this annotation:
"Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required."
This is incorrect. Only way I could get it to open was to go to a place I could drop it on the ground. In this case a sandbox.
Great Starter to Build Upon
The hands behind the back idle stand is funky looking, outdated. The rest of the stands are nice, not too stiff. The walk looks good. I would use this, read the notecards on how to customize and change out the default stands, walks etc. I love the interface, very user friendly.
Not bad
but if I read the notecards and learn how to add to it... it's great for new users and being free I cannot complain about it.