[Vaak] Personal Marshmellow Roaster
Ever been stuck in a situation where you really need to roast a marshmellow but you couldn't build a fire to do so? Well worry not! because this sleek new technological breakthrough has solved that problem once and for all.
Bento animated.
click to turn flame on and off.
white base texture on lighter so you can make it any color you want.
Copy / Mod
As always great accessories at a great price!
No eating animation?
Why? It would have been a million times better if every 30 seconds or so you take a bite and even replace the marshmallow. As it is now, you just hold it there while it burns. Just a little more work on it and it could have been a perfect quirky accessory. Damn.
The textures are good, the animation it does have works, and it looks like it does in the pictures. But it doesn't have the functionality that you expect.