It may be the result of a horrible genetically mutating virus, but you can't beat the convenience of an extra set of legs to carry you around that can retract back into your body so no one can see how badly infected you really are.
Includes a fully animated Bento AO for the legs to carry you around.
Deploy and retract the legs easily with a HUD button.
Includes 8 different textures.
You can now change the color of the legs!
perms: Copy / Mod
PLEASE NOTE: This item makes use of wings and hind leg bones, tiny avatars, and certain animal or furry avatars may not work properly.
Really Nice
I got these legs hoping for something good after reading the reviews, the texturing is good, mesh holds up fine from distances and the animations worked just fine for me from the walk, idle, run, flying and crouching...i found no faults in the animation or scripting of this but i did have to turn off my ao with the legs deployed otherwise there was a conflict. One thing i would love to see is the legs still partly visible when retracted, they pop out quite nice but simply vanish when being retracted and you see nothing at all hinting these legs are there....maybe that's the idea too ;3 Top marks from me on a wonderfully made set of creepy legs and i do hope to see more from this creator in the future
nice try
But they dont animate well at all, maybe a twitch when i start moving. thats it
Good shit
Almost thought no one made anything cool on SL anymore, but then this pops up.
Probably one of the most badass and random purchases I've ever made.