G Geral

Vampire Eyes Versão 13.3

Vampire Eyes



Owners of older versions: upgrade from your MP account ->Order history -> Redeliver item

[ADDED] Radar button. The nearest 15 avatars in the sim. It shows distances, names, speeds. Color coded: red within 10 meters, yellow 20 meters, green 30 m., white >30 m. Touch to start, touch to stop.

[ADDED] New button 'targets'. Touching this button will drop down 5 more blank buttons. Each one of these can be assigned to a target by a click. Clicking any assigned target button will make the hud follow that target immediately.


This Hud is made to play Progenies or other Vampire games.
It was originally a hud made to play: the game EC: Angels&Demons.
We made a version for Vampires, the Vampire Eyes, in a different color, for all those who play a vampire game. A Lycan Eyes will come up soon.

To use the Hud YOU MUST HAVE RLV activated in your viewer.


Main features of the Vampire Eyes 13


follow (choose the target and follow, facing the target)
evade (up or down)
dash (move with the arrows but very fast)
teleport (in various points of the sim)
targets (the targets button drops 5 blank buttons to assign targets to the hud)
radar (the 15 closest avatars, with distance and speed)


default mode (follow keeping the same target' s height)
above mode (follow the target from above)
npv mode

The latter mode works only where you can rez. The npv (non physical vehicle) is invisible and makes every function much more effective, but it doesn't work above 4096 meters.

Everything works on a simple principle. Touch to start, touch to stop.

chat commands:

/111 setdist : this command will open a menu that lets you change the follow distances

/11 <distance> to change the follow distance on the fly (not permanent)

Ex: /11 30 will set the current follow distance at 30 meters

Classificação média: full star full star full star full star full star
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suggesting a feature and such
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 23/05/2021 por jayphils

I think we need a way to keep facing the avatar so we can bite easily in the vampire systems. Also, I just want to say that this HUD is amazing and I use it all the time. You get my 5 stars! Keep up the good work!

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