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Vanity Hair: Pixivor-FatPack(MESH)

Vanity Hair: Pixivor-FatPack(MESH)
Vanity Hair: Pixivor-FatPack(MESH)
1 Review

FATPACK includes:
58 colours + 48 Hair bases


Dear Customer,

This is a mesh item.
In order to view it properly you must use a mesh capable viewer. Here i name 3 of the most popular mesh viewers, but there are more.

Secondlife V.3
Phoenix latest release is mesh capable.

There are 2 kinds of Mesh items: rigged mesh and non rigged.

*Rigged mesh items: are rigged to the avatar's skeleton, wich means they will move along with the avatar. Please note that rigged meshes cannot be modify while wearing them, you need to rezz them on the floor to be able to modify them, size CANNOT be modified by any means.

That being said, is important that you know that even if you make mesh smaller or bigger, once you wear it will revert to it's original size. So it really doesnt matter the size of your head, the mesh will adapt to your head. If you have some extreme shape settings, you may find that your head sticks out, if this is the case, please use the alpha layer provided. Please note, that depending on the hair style, the alpha layer wont help (hair attachments), so is HIGHTLY recommended to try a DEMO first.

Be aware that extreme poses will cause an unwanted and antisthetic hair distorsion.

*Non rigged mesh: wont be attached to your skeleton. Is a better choice for updo's or short hair styles. Non rigged meshes can be modified and resized as usual prim hair since they are not attached to the avatar's skeleton.

IT IS HIGHTLY RECOMENDED YOU TRY DEMO FIRST, as Rigged Mesh Hairs wont be able to be modified, so please make sure it fits you before buying.

Best regards,

Tabata Jewell

*You will find a hair style for free in my main store to try out the new textures and colors.

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Best curly bob ever!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 05, 2019 by Jena Diage

Since I went to an all-mesh avi the one thing I missed the most about my system avi is the ability to wear full-on 1920s styles. All my 1920s outfits are mesh but my previous straight-hair bob wasn't - it looked great on my system avi - not so much on my mesh avi, even with resizing. This curly bob solves all my problems - the colors are gorgeous, but the shape and texture of the bob are what I like the best. The default size is a little poofy for my taste, but with the resize script I can get it down a little closer to "pin curl" level - close enough to my head without looking pasted-on, and enough volume without looking like a cloud of curls. This hair not only looks great with my 1920s gear, but also works a treat for vintage burlesque styles. A very worthy substitute for my previous Louise Brooks-style bob. Thank you!!

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L$ 1,499

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Vanity Hair
Vanity Hair
Sold by: Tabata Jewell

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
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Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh