Please make sure that you read the TOS before using this product.
What's Included:
Mesh Model
Textures (Shown in image)
Mesh Works Products Terms of Service
Non Exclusive License
1) Mesh Works products may NOT be resold as full permissions
2) You may NOT share, sell, or give away anything contained in the package .. such as UV maps, textures, mesh models, etc.
3) Each purchase is only licensed to the avatar that purchased the product. Transferring items from the package to your other avatars and/or your friends/business partners is NOT allowed.
4) Mesh Works products may not be given away as freebies, regardless of permissions.
5) Mesh Works provides absolutely no refunds for full permission products.
6) Mesh Works reserves the right to deny the sale of full perm licenses if necessary.
Please note that these terms are subject to change without warning. If the TOS is updated, it will be sent to all avatars who have purchased products from Mesh Works.