You can visit her shop in Second Life to view other fine items and demo harpsichords, pianos and pipeorgans.
You can link to her home via the birdbath to view furniture as well.
See item in Second LifeJUST BOUGHT NOT HAPPY!
Your picture of the wood being fairly dark, enough to entice me to get it to match my other items !!@!
I rezzed this and it is a yellow wood Bright blinding latches etc, nothing about this looks Period ( Victorian" UIt has a weird distinct grain to it as well. I truly did not think I was going to throw money away for a misrepresented picture, but I did and perhaps you should throw it back to me !
OR Make oit modifiable so people can change the texture.. here is a Gazo shot for you...
This is made with transparent TGA textures, when it really doesn't have to be.
So, although it is beautiful, it tends to be "see-through" a lot of the times.