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Villager Rez-A-Bear Deluxe (Uncle Sam)

Villager Rez-A-Bear Deluxe (Uncle Sam)

I'm Uncle Sam Bear of the U.S.A., a genuine Rez-A-Bear DELUXE - I'm larger than life and all ready to celebrate Independence Day with you.

I have many fun features. My heart beats steadily and that's because I am happy. Please take good care of me since that is the secret to a healthy heart. I am sometimes a wiggler and am very active and alert most of the time. I love to stand and observe the world around me, but you can put me to sleep by clicking my head.

My features include:
- Throbbing Heart offers info
- Head activates name change
- Head activates sleep and wake-up
- Muzzle sends you kisses when clicked
- Wiggling Ears
- Blinking Eyes
- Patriotic Outfit
- I proudly hold an American flag! (It shoots off fireworks too!)
- Sculpted Hat that plays a tune with patriotic stars and gives a hat on click
-Stimulus Pouch that gives out the following celebration items through menu on click: USA Flag, Patriotic Sparkler, Noisemaker, Mini Me Bear, Glow Star Necklace, Buckweiser Beer (all ready to wear and go)

If you want to learn more about me or visit me, stop by Rez-A-Bears in Kissling 190,114,71. I am displayed in a special patriotic box and will offer you more info when you click it. I will also rez so you can see what I look like.
SLurl: Villager Rez-A-Bears, Kissling 190, 114, 71

Joan Nomad
Rezzing bears in SL since 2003

Key words: 4th of July Holiday, stars, charm, red, white, and blue, teddy bear, gifts, celebration, toys, party, pub, fourth of july, fire works, sparklers, jewelry, beer,