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Virtually Human Game Kit 2.0 - Create games fast & easy [adventure games for training, learning, fun

Virtually Human Game Kit 2.0 - Create games fast & easy [adventure games for training, learning, fun

Rapid development kit for games. Designed with eLearning games (Immersive Learning Simulations) in mind, the kit contains everything you need to rapidly create adventure style games in world. The kit was developed to empower non-programmers, subject matter experts, instructional designers and enthusiasts to rapidly create their own custom interactive adventures. Check the images for a more complete description of each component.

All items are now notecard configured.
Scorekeeper may now be worn as HUD or as a body attachment
Player scores update on HUD when worn as HUD
Sample token now allows customizable; particles, transparency, spin, messaging etc. via notecard.
Only collectible when conditions you define are met. You can require your players to;
have earned a given number of token points, have earned a given number of prizes,
have earned a given prize, NOT have earned a given prize, be wearing a given object,
NOT be wearing a given object.
Want to make sure the player is wearing protective gloves before they gather evidence?
Worn objects will let you create sophisticated problems for your players.
Adds a quiz to any in-world object. Works like the Presentation Challenges, but with
no slides.
Both slide challenges and regular challenges now can offer image(s) as well as the object prize(s)
Challenger objects, slide challenges, and the final score reporter all can be configured to email
reports back to you.
Easy to build prizes with new features that both keep your sim clean with auto-delete and
allow easy creation by treating the prize differently when you rez it yourself.

See this video for an example game built using the kit.

IUP Interactive Simulation System for Second Life

See the video tutorials on youtube for a detailed explanation of each facet of the kit.

Virtually Human Game Kit Tutorials

The kit contains the following FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE components;

* Overview (A detailed implementation guide)
* Scorekeeper
* Token (Game pickups)
* Touch Trap
* Collision Trap
* Game Puzzle Board
* Prize
* Final Score Reporter
* Additional information about the kit for educators.

Consider joining the group (its an offworld group, so no IM chatter and no lost group slot) in order to ensure updates and support.

Join the support group here.

You'll also find a shared support document here,


See item in Second Life
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I am sure this is the demo version?
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 05, 2017 by johnbclare

I paid the full price for this and am very disappointed with the support. I sent IM to creator asking for help - but no reply. Am assuming the creator has left Second Life. When you try and create your own score HUD it displays in chat Game Kit Demo: Seaside Adventure


There is no way to modify the text in the script to take out Seaside Adventure.

If the creator contacts me to help then I will change this review when I have the time.

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Amazing and a delight for leading people on a journey, with a hitch at the end
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted October 08, 2011 by Blitzer Renfold

This game is amazing because you can lead people on a journey of discovery throughout a sim. Up until the prize system, this game is crazy easy to configure. It's wonderfully easy, and you can create all sorts of markers; in my scavenger hunt, I've got everything from a corpse to a set of playing cards on my scavenger hunt. But then in order to offer a prize, you have to do something that's different than what's in the guide provided with the kit - you might be able to figure it out, as the guide is at https://acrobat.com/app.html#d=uv2vaMA4NEecNt6RtaP4wg People have to take a quiz to get a prize, the prizes rez around the prize giver, and the scripts don't transfer like they do with the rest of the kit. I love the game, but I'm just going to tell people to enjoy the game for the sake of it. Isn't life a journey?

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Great for educators and communities!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 15, 2011 by Fleep Tuque

For those wishing to create interactive and fun learning experiences in Second Life, the Virtually Human Game Kit v 2.0 makes it very simple to set up - truly no programming needed! All you need to know are the basics of editing objects and working with object contents in Second Life, and you can set up quizzes, explorer games, feedback scenarios, and much more.

Perhaps most importantly, though, every element of the kit can be customized to your own purpose, so you can have your own textures, prize objects, souvenirs, whatever you want your users to see.

Two thumbs up!

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