{Vixen} - Kagami Mochi Plushie - {8 Colors}

1 Review
Celebrate new years with Kagami Mochi!
It is a traditional japanese new year decoration and is considered to be good health/luck and is sometimes even eaten.
Comes in 8 colors, with and without a cute face. Can be used either as a fun/lucky decoration.
Each one is also set up to attach to the head so it can be worn as an adorable headgear for +10 Luck and +20 Charm.
100% original mesh and hand painted textures by myself.
Each one is 1 prim (land impact) however that will change if you make it really big so be careful when resizing.
- Original Mesh
- Hand Painted Textures
- 8 Colors
- 1 Prim (land impact)
- Use as decor or headgear!
Arigatou gozaimasu, daisuki!!!!
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