100% Original 3D Models & Textures created by Phoebe Desmons.
A lovely blouse and bloomers for casual easy-go wear. I just wanted to make something puffy, light and playful to wear in warmer weather.
3D model information
❥ Made (rigged) for the UTILIZATOR Kemono avatar
❥ Material faces allow for easy tinting, glow or full bright options to be used via the editing/building menu
Additional sized clothing for the following enhancers...
{Vixen} - Plump Breasts
{Vixen} - Petite Breasts
{Vixen} - Perfect Peach ( this size also fits Lady Bits )
Rei's Chest ( non-bento version )
Bulge version included for bottom clothing
Avatar and in-house enhancers can be found here!
Kemono Rigged Clothing & Accessories
I make my content based on the default kemono avatar rigging, weights, avatar shape and structure. I cannot guarantee that anything I make is without clipping. There are just too many variables to account for when making each uniquely made size. The variables being the type of AO or changed body shape and use of additional 3rd party enhancers.
Because of this I have included a demo for people to try first; to see if this clothing will work with your individually unique avatar.
Re-delivery Options
❥ In-world: Access any CasperVend Re-delivery Terminal to access your purchase history.
❥ Marketplace: My marketplace > My Account > Order History > Re-deliver Item
Update Log:
9/21/20 - Initial product release on marketplace.
Product issue or need help?
Contact PhoebeDesmons.Resident owner of {Vixen}