Vortex Manipulator - Typer/Communicator
Vortex Manipulator - Typer/Communicator
Calling all Time Agents, Time Lords and Time Travellers. TPOM has a new toy for you all to play with. If you're a fan of Doctor Who or Torchwood, then look no further. We present the Vortex manipulator!
This is an attachable item that can be worn to the LEFT Forearm and used as a typer. Upon typing in local chat you will hear the recognizable sound of the VM and a typing animation will play.
Also included is a VM Hud that will allow you to talk to your fellow VM Users. Simply Attach both the VM and Hud. Then click the hud and a type box will appear. Only you and others using this device will see the messages.
The Manipulator is modify so that you can resize to your liking as well as applying your own textures if you wish.
Mod, Copy, No Transfer
For customer support or new product updates please use the following link: https://my.secondlife.com/groups/57c83ac2-f105-c994-8072-305386d2d685?
- Typer
- Private Channel Communicator
L$ 120
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed