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[W3R3W01F] ASB Neck Add-On

[W3R3W01F] ASB Neck Add-On
[W3R3W01F] ASB Neck Add-On
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The ASB neck add-on is primarily meant to straighten out the ASB's neck in order to allow for more customization for the breed! Just another fun way to make your beloved pet unique and stand out amongst the crowd.

This item includes:
✦ 1 Mesh Neck Add-on specifically for the TeeglePet American Saddlebred

A demo rezzer is available in-world so you may view this item in-person!

This item may or may not work with certain tack items! If you need any recommendations my DMs/IMs are always open.


This is a mesh add-on ONLY! It does not come with an eye, mane, tail, or coat texture, sorry! The horse is also not included within this product, although I am sure that is already obvious.

Thank you so much for checking out my product! If there are any issues do NOT be afraid to shoot a notecard to TheWWG19 resident <3

See item in Second Life
  • TeeglePet Horse Mesh Add-On

L$ 125

Adding to cart as gift


Sold by: TheWWG19

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh