Thank you for checking out the KatTV.
Its my hope that anyone that enjoys cats or being one in the case of SL.. will enjoy the TV.
How many pictures are in this TV?
40 feline pictures of course! Having something like this out for decoration is nice, but much like the real-world tv I tried keeping re-runs to a reasonable amount. The randomness of the slide-show is timed to change the picture at 20 second intervals. Enough for slower computers to have a chance to load the picture before it changes to another.
This TV is low land impact; And a quiet alternative to the web browser televisions found in-world.
* Only the TV is for purchase!
The decorative booze and wine glasses I picked up as a gift from Apple Fall's store. It was either a group gift or simply a free gift. They have lots of nice decorations, and recommend that you check them out if you are wanting a similar look for your TV table.
- Rabbit ear antenae for better reception.
- Sturdy crank style knobs though they appear to be stuck..
- Heavy enough to prevent being shoved off shelves or tables.
- Classic Retro 70's, Early 80's era style!