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WH Riding Unicorn Classic Tail

WH Riding Unicorn Classic Tail
WH Riding Unicorn Classic Tail
0 Reviews

This classic unicorn tail is for the Water Horse Riding Unicorn!

This tail is Copy/mod, but any scripts inside of it are copy only, so it will appear copy only in your inventory. The WH texture HUD works with this tail!

Tail stem- changes with body
Tail tip- changes with MANE

These pieces are NOT rigged, so you can adjust them. Please keep in mind that they may or may not work on other WH riding horses because specific script parts differ on each riding horse.

This tail MOVES with the unicorn AO. If you do not want it to move, and you are good at modding, reattach to GROIN.

***I NO LONGER support WH and their products, so no support is offered for this item!***

L$ 199

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Flying Horse Head Studios
Sold by: Tyr Fluffy

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with WH Riding UNICORN Avatars
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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh