WINTER DREAMS Poppet's Magic Ice Rink - the most fun you can have with your skates on
Poppet's Magic Skating Rink is the most fun skating rink there is!
Your guests will click the CLICK HERE TO SKATE sign and get a free skating hud. When it is worn, the hud will talk to the skating rink to find out where it is and how big it is. Once the hud knows these things, it will be able to skate you and your guests around automatically. The hud allows you to control your speed, so you can chase other avatars and knock them down. You can click the buttons on the HUD to do tricks and to control your speed.
The HUD also contains free Poppet's Skates. They are traditional lace up skates. The wearer can click each skate to set it to white or black. You and your guests will receive a pair of these skates from the HUD and can ADD them to their outfit.
Be sure to turn off/detach any other AO or animation controllers. These will interfere with the AO in Poppet's Skating HUD.
Plus there is a really fun game: CHICKEN. The goal of the game is to knock down as many other skaters as you can without falling yourself. When skaters fall they do this funny and spectacular falling animation. For some reason, Poppet loves this.
Very easy to set up and use the rink.
1. Simply rez the ice rink, place it where you want it to be and thenc lick the RinkSize button, then follow instructions that come up in chat and dialogs. The rink is 15x15 m when you first rez it. You can make it round or oblong.
2. After sizing the rink, and setting it in place, you can rez a sculpted snow surround by clicking the rink and choosing Snowbanks. Being a sculpty, it can take a second to rez.
3. If you resize the rink after rezzing the snowbank, delete the old snowbank, which will be the wrong size, and rez a new one..
4. By choosing Set Game from the rink's main menu, the owner can determine the winning conditions: No Limit allows you to do timed games -- in this mode, the skater who gets the highest number of points in some certain time you decide will win the game. You will need to announce the winner and reset the game manually, using the GameReset choice of the Set Game menu. You can also choose a First At 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 points from the Set Game menu. This is the best mode to use if you yourself are not monitoring the games. With more skaters, you need to set a higher goal for a satisfying game. Finally, you can set Games Off to make it so skaters cannot play the game.
5. You can have the HUD give out different skates than Poppet's skates - but be careful to remove any scripted animations or AOs that may be inside the skates before giving them out, as they will interfere with the skating HUD animation system.
To use different skates, wear the skating HUD, then drag the Skate Box out onto the ground from the HUD Content. Edit the box, and remove the parts you no longer want to use, then add the skates etc. that you do want to use instead (make sure they have copy permissions!). Take the box into inventory then, after deleting the copy of "Skate Box - Rez or ADD Me" that is in the hud, drag your new skate box into the HUD.
Next, detach the skate HUD, and use it to replace the HUD in your skating rink, after deleting the old HUD copy..
Antique Artistry was formed in 2006 by two long-time SL creators, Poppet McGimsie and Fatima Ur, who have created literally thousands of SL objects, animations, scripts, textures and soundscapes.
Poppet loves winter, snow, bad weather - because she likes to be cozy inside in inclement weather and she likes winter sports. Fatima adores all things Christmas. For years, Poppet created a Christmas Market and Fatima created a Victorian Christmas Wonderland for the holidays, and together we amassed thousands of winter and holiday items.
Though the Christmas markets no longer exist in wotld, we are able to offer items here on the Marketplace at a great savings, since we no longer need to spend thousands of dollars per month paying tier. These items are offered at a savings of hundreds of Lindens over what they would cost in our in world stores and are of the same high quality and workmanship as you will find being sold by others at a much higher cost.
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Make sure you have enough land impact left before you rez this :(
Wow, says land impact is 3, how the hell is it 123?
is 123 prim tho not 3
i love it just wish it was really 3 prim but after that i love it