for use with all the A.I.F pets this is a bed essentially they sleep in it for comfort...
1 bed
1 Hud - 14 or 84 textures & 7 or 28 colors each Hud
To find out about the pets read their blog here. their artificially intelligent and dont require that you feed them. tho if u do they poo lol if they wont use the product properly u may need to make a prim that u turn invisible that sits on the product and fulfills their need,call it stool, comfort whichever is applicable.and place it were u want them to do it. the products should work without that but with the huds used for the furniture it can get tricky.
By Wytchwhisper
Multifaceted Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Actress, Dancer, Machinimatographer, Figurative 2D Artist, 3D Clothing/ Object Designer, Advisor, Spiritually Enlightened Wiccan and Comedic Deviant
My schedule FYI - on My Website
Song List - on My Website
Pr Info, Pricing, Photos -on My Website
Original songs and Memorable Shows - on My Website
See item in Second Life