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WW Tee Shirt (male) V6 - 4 MP

WW Tee Shirt (male) V6 - 4 MP

This product fits the following bodies

- Classic Avatar n some mesh bodies try demo before purchase
sizes xS,S,M,L,xL,Adam,Aesthetic,Belleza,Nx-David,Signature,Slink,TMP

outfit includes all seperated
2 Tee shirts loose n tight
1 Hud Gen 2

all texture and color huds contain unlimited colors and 24 textures min each hud.

By Wytchwhisper
Multifaceted Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Actress, Dancer, Machinimatographer, Figurative 2D Artist, 3D Clothing/ Object Designer, Advisor, Spiritually Enlightened Wiccan and Comedic Deviant

My schedule FYI - on My Website
Song List - on My Website
Pr Info, Pricing, Photos -on My Website

See item in Second Life