WW Trikini N Sarong Maitreya V14 - 4 MP
This product fits the following bodies
- Maitreya
top and bottom are separate
texture and color hud contains 8 colors and 14 textures minimum
By Wytchwhisper
Multifaceted Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Actress, Dancer, Machinimatographer, Figurative 2D Artist, 3D Clothing/ Object Designer, Advisor, Spiritually Enlightened Wiccan and Comedic Deviant
My schedule FYI - on My Website
Song List - on My Website
Pr Info, Pricing, Photos -on My Website
My Website ~ http://allaboutwytchwhisper.blogspot.ca
Original songs and Memorable Shows - http://allaboutwytchwhisper.blogspot.com/p/w.html
L$ 150
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
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- User Licensed