this gift is a limited no mod version of the Wall Poster
features of the full version:
-- How to Use --
click the image to show the next one
click the shadow to get the Hud
with the Hud you can:
turn slideshow mode on / off
set the slideshow time
turn bright on / off
turn shadow on / off
to change the size:
right click the poster and chose edit
use the 'Stretch option' to change the size
to add pics:
right click on it and chose 'edit'
left click on 'Content'
drag your photos from the inventory to here
second way: open you pic and copy the uuid
open the 'Pics List' notecard and add the uuid to the list
save the notecard
the 'Pics list' notecard have priority over the textures drop, that means
if you want to use the drop textures method you have to delete the notecard
first ( make sure that you have copy it to your inventory before delete )
full customize
texture faces:
1 - shadow
0 - main image
Let me know if you have any problem ( just by notecard )
come see all the posters inworld
See item in Second Life