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Water Footprint

Water Footprint

Украсьте свои стопы красивыми магическими эффектами. Яркие следы прекрасно смотрятся при ходьбе, беге и других движениях.
Только сделайте несколько шагов - и за вами потянется красивый шлейф следов.
Decorate your feet beautiful magical effects. Bright traces look great for walking, running and other movements.
Just take a few steps - and you will attract beautiful footprint.

評価平均: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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What the other reviewer left out...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2022/08/22 : Fading Starlight

You might be thinking like I was that a wet foot print is exactly what you are looking for... if that's the case it doesn't sound so bad. However, the foot print is a cartoon foot print and not proportionate to a human foot. It also rezzes facing in all directions and as high as your waist. Terrible, terrible product. Wish I had my 99L back.

full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2017/06/17 : Lynxa

I wish there was more of an explanation or a better pic. I could have saved a few linden. This is just a basic footprint shape with a water texture over it that appears each time you take a step.
