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Waves with Sea sound In/Off sim. 4 shapes Version 1.1

Waves with Sea sound In/Off sim. 4 shapes

Sea ocean Waves in 4 shapes and interactive menu for change:
- RESIZER: You can change the size of the waves starting from the default size of each model (read measurements for each model below)
Default (default size for each model)
Min (minimum size for each model)
Max (maximum size for each model)
+- 5 % +- 10 % +- 20 % +- 50% (enlarge or reduce the size as a percentage)
- SOUND: 7 types of sea waves
-- Vol 1 to 10 + Sound Off (Default Sound off)
- SPEED: 10 types of speed of the waves (Default Speed 15)
2 types of texture (Default Water1)
Bright on/off (Default on)
Alpha: 10 types of Transparency (Default 20)
Glow: 10 types of Glow (Default 0)
- USER: You can set permissions to use the Options Menu to Owner, Group, All (Default Owner) [Access this menu only Owner]
- OPTION [Access this menu only Owner]:
-- DELETE: You can (or not) delete permanently scripts from your waves under one click, this function delete all scripts of menu, and remains the minimal ones for the functioning of the item and also prevents from involuntary clicking on them, and to be less active scripting in your land.
RESET: reset script with default values
- EXIT: exiting the menu so useful for not doing so to time out the script

The box contains:
- v1.1a Waves-Sizable 4-8_32-64: Land Impact: 1 (2 LI versions OFF SIM)
RESIZES (X-Y): Default 8x16 - Min 4X8 - Max 32x64

- v1.1b Waves-Sizable 6-8_48-64m: Land Impact: 1 (2 LI versions OFF SIM)
RESIZES (X-Y): Default 12x16 - Min 6x8 - Max 48x64

- v1.1c Waves-Sizable 4-4_64-64: Land Impact: 1 (2 LI versions OFF SIM)
- RESIZES (X-Y): Default 16x16 - Min 4X4 - Max 64x64

- v1.1d Waves-Sizable 8-6_64-48m: Land Impact: 1 (2 LI versions OFFSIM)
RESIZES (X-Y): Default 16x12 - Min 8x6 - Max 64x48


Inside version: simply rezz to the ground and move or you want
Offsim version: rezz near at your land border for sim expand limits.
Touch waves menu appaer
It is recommended to activate the menu only after placing the waves, in case you want move it to another location or rotate exit of menu before moving it or reset the script after moving/rotate the waves (Only Owner: Menu--> Option --> Reset).
For Offsim version: The primary (root) prim invisible must remain in your land and push the entire visible parts outside sim border..
TIP: Rotate the Offsim so the object is facing towards the sim/land edge and the invisible root prim is facing towards the centre of the sim/land.
Move the Offsim towards the sim edge until the root prim is just inside the sim or at a distance as you wish
In case the off sim will return inventory, rez turning you from the opposite side, once rez rotate the offsim towards the sea.

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If not receive the item, any questions...any problems.. feel free to contact me in SL!

See item in Second Life
  • 4 shape Sizable
  • Menu access controll and delete scripts
  • 2 texture,10 types glow,bright on off, transparency 0 to 100%
  • 7 sea sound + voume + on/off
  • 10 speed - Two version offsim inside sim
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 10, 2017 by IsisAlexander

i wanted subtle waves with a soft relaxing sound. This is perfect with so many options if i change my mind later. Best waves in SL

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LOVE these Waves
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 20, 2014 by JakePeters79

Ive wasted money on higher rated waves but these waves kicked those waves ass LOVE THEM! the resizer script is the perfect add!! Awesome job!

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